Family O Cleek

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Smiles ...

We're still doing well here in Adelaide, both looking forward to returning to the states in August and dreading leaving all our friends. But we're thankful for our distraction. She keeping us busy playing and skyping to both sets of Grandparents. She weighed in at over 11 pounds last week when she got the second set of shots. Here's a video for her adoring public!

Friday, May 18, 2007

All Good Things...

Well, the pace of the blogging has slowed as life returns to a new sense of normal. But we've had a good week as Auntie Mela arrived last Friday. With both Auntie and Grandma caring for Charis, Charis doesn't remember what its like not to be held. She's a lucky little girl and did I mentioned well clothed!

Alas, Grandma and Auntie Mela return to Hawaii on Sunday morning early. We'll miss them and the apartment will never be this clean again! Here's a couple pictures and a video of Charis and her Auntie. (I've been learning how to use Premiere, but I'm no Steven Spielberg.)

G'day Mates

Saturday, May 05, 2007

I wonder?

We're still here enjoying both Charis and Grandma Nancy. The highlight of our week has been that Mom and Grandma took Charis and got her weighed, she's 10lbs. That means she gained 3 lbs this month. (I only wish I could say the same...too much andagi!)

Other than that, all that has happened here in Adelaide is the normal stuff that new parents go through. We've been wondering what she'll be like when she grows up! Will she be smart like her mother, or just clumsy? Will she like baseball? Will she look anything like her father? It goes on and on. But most of you have experienced all this yourself so I won't go on and on. Here are some more pictures and the dreamings of a couple of first time parents.


Charis likes her hats. Maybe she'll be queen someday!?

Not likely, but there is an Aussie Girl from Tasmania who's the princess of Denmark.

The other day she was psyched because of a good feed and she reminded me of a famous golfer.

The next Tiger Woods perhaps? Michelle Wie is from Hawaii!

Finally, she was sitting in my chair and with her gloves on she looked like she might have another future in front of her.

It's not likely that she'll be a boxer, especially if her Aunt Julie has anything to say about it.

Ah, we just hope she grows up happy and a Giants fan!