Family O Cleek

Friday, April 27, 2007

Grandparents & Catch!

Its a bleak rainy Saturday afternoon here in Adelaide, so I'm adding some new photos! Both Grandma and Grandpa T are in town and have moved into a house 4 minute walk from our house. (Thanks Donn and Sandy, friends from church who are traveling this month.) We're trying to stay dry and warm. Enjoy!

Another new dress from Aunt Cathy or Julie. We won't be buying any clothes anytime soon. Thanks everyone!

Grandpa's heart is safely stolen.

Both Charis and Dad were stoked when the Giants swept the Dodgers yesterday. She had her colors on and we even played a little catch.

But Mom didn't think this was so good.

I'm 4 weeks old Today

Another week has gone by and its hard to believe I'm entering my 5th week today. Its been a good week, Grandma went to Sydney on Wednesday to meet Grandpa and they toured Sydney together for a couple of days until they returned on today. So I got to meet Grandpa today and we hit it off great! We met them and the airport, went to Gouger Street and had Chinese food then made another trip to Central Market. Finally, home for some cooking and an evening with Grandma and Grandpa! Good times.

Enjoy the video

Sunday, April 22, 2007

A Smile and a Foot

We've had a good weekend here in Oz. But the hightlight, beside the Giants good fortunes was that Charis slept 5hrs on Saturday night. Wish us well tonight!

Here's our little girl!

Friday, April 20, 2007

Playing Second Base For Your SF Giants ...

Now batting for your San Francisco Giants, Charis Cleek!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Semi-Charmed Life

Maybe more than Semi-Charmed!

Monday, April 16, 2007

A Pictures Worth a Thousand Words

Ok, the events of the week. Grandma is cleaning and cooking! I can't tell you the number of andigi that I've eaten. (I'm not complaining, at least not until my pants don't fit!) We've signed a lease for our place and our furniture through July so we don't have to move. The real news is that Charis is still cute and has heaps (Australian for alot) of visitors. We think that she's changing already, filling out the legs and becoming increasingly aware!

Here are some pictures

Annie Hogben came over and was a natural!

Isaac Hogben like Charis but I think he might have like Nancy's andigi more!

Kerryn was there too!

Finally, I realized there weren't many pictures of Tam, just video.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Back by popular demand

Ok, well really there is only so much that a two week old does. But I've been told by several people that they want more! So what's a proud father to do!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Some Photos

The Easter Holiday is over and we made it. We took our first trip to the central market today and got some food for Grandma Nancy to cook. We signed our lease for our last several months in Adelaide and Todd fixed the burner on the stove. Oh yeah, Grandma Nancy cooked and cleaned! Actually the keyboard is oily because she's making andagi! Yum!

Here are a couple of pictures!

Charis in her Easter Outfit, bought for her by Auntie Mela

Upclose and Personal

Hanging with Mom

Monday, April 09, 2007

Easter Weekend

We've had quite a big Easter weekend here in Adelaide. First, Grandma Nancy came on Friday, then we had a mob of visitors on Saturday and Sunday Easter Service, Charis first appearance at Church. Charis, slept through Dad's sermon. We went to lunch with the Hamiltons and dinner at the Wheatley's. Then on Easter Monday we just hung out at the house, here's what our day looked like!

Friday, April 06, 2007

Grandma Nancy has landed!

Yesterday was a big day. We had lots of guest, Mel, Georgie, Bev, Sandy, Donn, Keryn & Steve, all came by and brought some food too. Thanks!

But the biggest guest was Grandma Nancy, who was so very excited to see and hold Charis. We all went to the Airport to greet Grandma. The only problem we had was Grandma wasn't sure she wanted to put Charis down so Mom could put her in the car seat for the ride home! Here's a little video of their meeting.

Not only was Grandma excited to hold Charis, she also expressed her love for Charis by bringing her all sorts of pink clothes.

On the medical front, the midwives came again yesterday and weighed her, she back to her birth weight and her jaundice is almost completely gone!

Thursday, April 05, 2007

We survived a Day at Home

We were excited and confident about our parenting skills having made it home from the hospital yesterday. So we put Charis in the bassinette and though we'd go off to sleep. Hmmm, from 12 to 5 she was wide awake. Not much sleep here and our confidence was shaken. But we still think we'll keep her!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

She's a Women of the 21st Century

We'll our Charis came home today! Both Mom and I are very excited to have her home. Because she so popular (Ok, only Grandma Tamanaha watches the videos over and over) we decided to make her a blog of her own! Thanks for all the love and support! Enjoy the pictures!

Mother and Daughter

Charis Comes Home

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Putting on her Colors or is that Colours?

We were hoping that little Charis would get to come home today, but as you can see in the pictures below she is a little yellow/orange. So today she's sunbathing under the blue light, but hopefully everyone can come home tomorrow.

Personally, I think she's just putting on her Giants colors for opening day!

Enjoy the photos more to come when she comes home!

Charis in her Giants cap & Colors!

Charis and Auntie Karen
Karen comes and visits Charis and Mom every day, I know Mom really appreciates having an Auntie so close.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Day 3

Mom & Baby continue to progress nicely. We suspect that they will come home either tomorrow (Monday night here) or Tuesday morning. The big events today were all the visitors. Thanks Smalls, Herns, Hogbens, Hanarata & Partner, Ellen, Rachel, Hanaha & Jaz! There might have been more who missed us while we were in the nursery. We certainly love her and think she's beautiful! Enjoy!

Little Hands and Feet

Charis in a Hat made by Anneliese

Video of Mom and Daughter